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VitalHub (VHI.V) recently partnered with the Government of Yukon following the territory’s request for assistance in upgrading and streamlining its mental health and substance use medical records system. The Yukon joins…
After all the kicks cryptocurrency, and Bitcoin in particular, has taken in the past year, some might find it hard to believe there are companies out there willing to…
Vitalhub (VHI.V) has come out strong in the first two weeks of 2019 showing a solid trajectory for the company’s direction in spite of a market which has shown…
In October 2016, a Toronto-area woman named “Fanny” was being treated for “a tangle of abnormal and poorly formed blood vessels that can occur in the brain.” She then…
Thankfully, no one died in the recent Romaine lettuce E. Coli outbreak, but the Center for Disease Control’s incident update exposed two egregious flaws in food industry processes which…
Due to a frenzy of hype and dodgy business models (BananaCoin – anyone?) the reputation of the blockchain has been sullied. Guess what? It’s a powerful technology and there…
2019 will mark the ten year anniversary of crypto-currency being a thing, and oh what a wild ride it’s been! But what’s more important than looking back is looking…
The markets haven’t exactly looked kindly on blockchain over the past year. Don’t listen to the zealots and true believers on message boards, the hype over crypto is pretty…
When someone says the word blockchain, what comes to mind? If you’re like me, it’s investors pulling out their hair, rending their clothes, or regretting the day they ever…
To tell this story in 25 words or less would be to do it a terrible injustice, so I’ve sat on it for a bit, letting the dust settle,…