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Battery Tech

Electric vehicle company, Ideanomics (IDEX.Q), finalized their acquisition of Italian manufacturer and distributor of high-performance battery powered motorcycles, Energica Motor Company, today. A few of the details of the…
“The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed.“ One of my favourite William Gibson quotes, even if it is yanked out of context. This week…
EV manufacturers were supposed to harken in a new age of industry, environmentally responsible stewardship, and forward-thinking business practices, but as investors clamored on board, billionaires were created, bank…
Rising geopolitical tensions such as Chinese trade tiffs and Russia’s regional colonialism is threatening to extend global supply chain uncertainty indefinitely. Manufacturers once bragged about the size of their…
Nano One (NANO.T) is a $300 million clean technology company with patented processes for the low-cost, low-environmental footprint production of high-performance cathode materials used in lithium-ion batteries. Six weeks…
Nano One Materials is a clean technology company with a patented, scalable and low carbon intensity industrial process for the low-cost production of high-performance lithium-ion battery cathode materials. The…
  Seems I ruffled some sensitive Tesla feathers with my last EV round up. Get ready for another round of uncomfortable truths about a sector rife with much ado…
EV IPO valuations are higher today than Paul Thomas Anderson and Quentin Tarantino were in the 90s, causing some auto analysts to suggest that traditional auto manufacturers like Ford…
EV’s circus organ grinds on behind self-dealing carnival barkers spewing meme-backed hyperbole as false and malicious as an Alex Jones podcast. Let’s remove the red noses and grease paint…
This last week, some of the EV sector was more jittery and nonsensical than one of Donald Jr’s numerous cocaine-fueled diatribes. Let’s sink in and see what happened. Arcimoto…