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Northern Lights Resources (NLR.C) has done a year of rehab, now busts into copper

Northern Lights Resources Corp. (NLR.C), a microcap player in the mineral exploration sector, has had a rough year-plus battling their way out from under some restrictive financing, leading conventional wisdom to consider the company all but dormant.

But we’ve long pointed out the wheels were still turning, and those wheels have come full circletoday with the news Northern Lights has secured a promising opportunity with the Caldera Copper Project located in Lincoln County, Nevada.

This strategic acquisition pivots Northern Lights into the red hot copper sector, in a region known for its rich mineral resources, right as copper prices have begun to spike.

The need for copper as a commodity in high performance computing, wiring, electrification, and renewable energy have crossed paths with a lack of global supply to put a rocket under the copper exploration world, and NLR couldn’t have timed its entry better.


The Caldera Project spans 418 hectares with 55 claims under the management of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). It is situated in southeast Nevada, along the southern extension of the prolific Battle Mountain-Eureka trend, a location historically significant and highly prospective for copper, offering potential for discoveries in copper porphyry, copper skarn, and IOCG (iron-oxide-copper-gold) mineralization styles.

One of the most compelling aspects of the Caldera Project is its largely untapped potential. Despite the area’s historical background with numerous old workings focused on copper and iron, it has not been explored with modern techniques. Initial findings from rock sampling are promising, showing copper grades up to an impressive 6 percent, alongside highly anomalous levels of silver, molybdenum, tin, and tungsten.

To be clear, this is an early stage project.

Northern Lights Resources is planning an immediate exploration program that includes detailed mapping, geochemistry soil sampling, and geophysics. This proactive exploration strategy is aimed at rapidly assessing the property’s potential and advancing the project towards development, while also keeping costs low, which is good because they’re pretty much skint.

To its credit though, Northern Lights Resources has strategically expanded the project area by staking an additional 50 mining claims contiguous with the initial Caldera option claims. This expansion not only increases the project’s total area to 418 hectares but also broadens the exploration potential and the possibility of discovering extensive mineral deposits.

Expect financing to come soon, and the ability of the company to get it subscribed (or over-subscribed) will serve as a guide to what is likely to follow.

— Chris Parry

FULL DISCLOSURE: Technically NLR is no longer a client of Equity.Guru, but they never managed to get the coverage they paid us for first time around due to their financing issues halting their progress, so consider this article to be part of the earlier marketing package, consider them a client in spirit if not by contract, and consider us conflicted, even though the article is clearly even-handed.

You won’t catch a disclosure like that on any other site..

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2 thoughts on “Northern Lights Resources (NLR.C) has done a year of rehab, now busts into copper”

  1. Impressive Perry, that was one for the firsts in all my 45 years trading to view a disclosure like that. Pretty honest guy, sure you was not smoking something to get rid of that flu?

    1. Nah man, integrity is my differentiator. It’s why i’m still around, and don’t have the regulators constantly after me. 🙂

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