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Nexus Gold (NXS.V): the messenger has arrived!

On March 12, 2019 Nexus Gold (NXS.V) announced the move of J. Ian Stalker from Director to Non-Executive Chairman.

Normally – a shuffling of the board deck-chairs wouldn’t merit comment.

Ian Stalker is not your average board appointment.

He doesn’t have a resume.

He has a conquest map.

Over the past decade Stalker has been directly involved in the raising of over $500-million in capital investment for mining projects around the world.

When Stalker talks, the media listens.  If Stalker starts messaging Nexus Gold, that could significantly raise the status of the company.

Nexus has a portfolio of gold projects in Burkina Faso, a West African country that is pregnant with gold.

Last year about 53 tonnes of gold were mined in Burkina Faso – worth about $3.45 billion dollars at the current spot price of CDN $1,745.

Nexus also has two projects in Canada (Bridge River Mining Camp, BC, and Red Lake, Ontario).

According to a post by Wazzeer Legal Compliance, A Non-Executive Chairman ischerry picked for personal qualities, experience and specialist knowledge. They provide objective criticism on board matters – they can create positive PR, and help the organisation generate long-term exposure”.

“Mr. Stalker has more than 45 years of development and operational mining experience, including over a decade working in West Africa,” stated Nexus Gold.

Stalker’s senior executive positions include Managing Director of Ashanti Goldfields, V.P of Gold Fields, CEO of Brazilian Gold, CEO of UraMin – when it was acquired by Areva for $2.5 billion.

Mr. Stalker has successfully managed over ten mining projects through feasibility study, development and construction phases. Among those companies he has held senior management positions he has overseen significant market cap growth.

Among his current titles, Stalker is a Director with K92 Mining (KNT.V), that is operating a high-grade gold mine in Papua New Guinea.

K92 Mining has begun gold production in the Kora Northern Extension, which is part of the company’s Kainantu Gold Project.

On February 25, 2019, K92 published the results from 7 diamond drill holes – “extending both the K1, K2 lodes as well as the KL structure between the lodes”.

K92 has a lot of things going for them.

We are not suggesting Stalker sole-handed catalysed the SP increase, but his public-speaking on K92 drove eye-balls to the story, and gave the company increased credibility.

In the You Tube video below, Stalker gives a master class on how to message a resource company.

Nexus’ portfolio of gold projects in Burkina Faso was, elegantly summarized by Equity Guru’s Greg Nolan.

Bouboulou – 38-square kilometers comprising no less than five established gold zones contained within three separate five-kilometer-long gold trends. Over 60 holes have been drilled to date demonstrating widespread mineralization.

Rakounga – this 250-square kilometer concession ties in neatly with the Bouboulou concession. The mineralized footprint between the two properties exceeds 15 kilometers in length. Within the eight known gold zones along this 15-kilometer trend, three have been tested with the drill bit. Drilling at the Koaltenga zone has recently produced lengthy gold intercepts, several with higher-grade intervals.

Niangouela – This concession is a 178-square kilometer project featuring high-grade gold occurring in and around a primary quartz vein and associated shear zone spanning approximately one kilometer in length.

Dakouli 2 – Just to the south of Niangouela, Dakouli 2 is located on the Boromo-Goren Greenstone Belt. Significantly, the project is bisected by the Sabce shear zone, a major structural fault which trends southwest-northeast and bisects the entire length of the property. Sabce is the dominant geological feature underlying Nordgold’s 3 million+ ounce Bissa deposit 20 kilometers to the northeast.

Along with the normal geological and financial risks, Burkina Faso – the country – has political risks. It’s often in the headlines for the wrong reasons.

Most of the country’s violence is attributed to the jihadist group Ansarul Islam – who have sworn allegiance to Al-Qaeda.

We are tracking multiple gold explorers and miners in Burkina Faso, and are not aware of any disruption to day-to-day operations.

“Ian Stalker’s experience, knowledge and guidance will be of great benefit to the Company, and of even greater importance as the next few years are critical in our growth cycle,” stated Nexus, President & CEO, Alex Klenman. “Having Ian on board in a more prominent and active position with Nexus is something our shareholders can be excited about.”

Eight new mines have been commissioned in Burkina Faso over the past six years.

Full Disclosure:  Nexus Gold is an Equity Guru marketing client, and we own the stock

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6 thoughts on “Nexus Gold (NXS.V): the messenger has arrived!”

  1. Kbrown, I hear you. I do track the news coming out of Burkina Faso, and have written extensively about the political risks there. I have faith in that country. Revenues from the resource industry are important to fund their army and education. The international news is genuinely alarming and you have every right to point that out.

    1. I’m pulling for the Nexus guys. They have always promptly returned my calls and answered my long list of questions.

      1. Kbrown, that is really good to hear. I am also pulling for Nexus. The grim headlines do NOT tell the full story. Burkina Faso is a communal versus an individualist society. Generally, people from different tribes and religions co-exist peacefully.

        Despite the outbursts of violence, the rate of homicide In Burkina Faso is 67/100,000 people – compared to the U.S. rate of 94 homicides/100,000 people.

        So, moving from Baltimore to Ouagadougou reduces your chances of being murdered by 34%.

        The country recently built the biggest solar power generator in West Africa and gave a green light to a 2,000 kilometer fibre optic backbone.

        1. good day Lucas, I am a seasoned investor (another word for being around a long time) i have been following Nexus for quite sometime, in a .04 09/16 and out at .28. Unfortunate what has occurred to this story.
          A few comments, first Alex is NOT good at returning calls and perhaps he is scared to answer my calls or emails because he knows that I know what I’m talking about. I do not tolerate poor investor communication but he will hear from me soon.
          Secondly, I have the same hopes on Burkina Faso as you do and this jurisdiction does appear perilous, however so did Mali, with Merrex gold and I came out of that somewhat unscathed and profitable. This is appeased by the fact that I have a good friend from the area that has incredible hopes for his country and notes that things are changing.

          Thirdly I am glad I found this platform although you state it is for Millennials and madmen…well its for everyone. I have had much to say on a few picks Patriot One, LDS, Vital hub and I will use this platform to voice them. Mostly positive. I am a medical consultant but have traded for many years. I have also have given your webpage to a group out of MIT who have a created a medical device, prototype in the works. They will be reaching out to you and Chris Perry once its done.

          Thanks for the refreshing investment perspective you have on EQUITY GURU.


          1. Joe, that is a really interesting e.mail and I appreciate points 1, 2 and 3. Don’t worry, I am also “lightly seasoned”. This platform is for everyone. We have a lot of female readers. A lot of young readers and also, many senior readers. The older readers used to complain about our GIFs (little looping videos) but they gave up, because the GIFs are here to stay. Sounds like you had good (money-making) entry and exit points on Nexus. We think Nexus is a wealth creation opportunity. In our opinion, the political discount in Burkina Faso is amplified unfairly. Yes – the country has problems – and we don’t minimize them. But the reality is, Burkina Faso is pregnant with gold, and the gold miners operating there are wildly profitable. Looking forward to learning more about the MIT- incubated medical device.

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