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3 Sixty Risk Solutions (SAFE.C) stands vigilant for Beleave (BE.C)

3 Sixty Secure, a subsidiary of 3 Sixty Risk Solutions (SAFE.C) has penned an agreement to provide secure transport for Beleave (BE.C) for both medical and non-medical cannabis shipments.

The addition of Beleave to 3 Sixty’s client list helps round out an already considerable portfolio. The company has attracted such names as Canopy Growth (WEED.T), Aphria (APH.T) and Tilray (TLRY.Q).

“We intend to remain a leader in cannabis-focused security by meeting and exceeding our customer’s stringent demands within the highly regulated cannabis industry. We will continue to seek new services to offer to our existing customers as well as looking beyond our borders for geographic expansion opportunities that allow us to export our expertise across Canada, the US and internationally through organic means and by executing on disciplined M&A,” said Thomas Gerstenecker, CEO and founder of 3 Sixty.

Beleave’s business is in the cultivation of high-quality cannabis flower and oil for both the medical and recreational markets, and then selling it under its Seven Oaks brand.

The company has developed a medical cannabis clinic network throughout both Ontario and Quebec. They were also awarded a retail network in Saskatchewan and have been pre-qualified for retail in Manitoba.

They have also expanded overseas in both Colombia and into the European markets.

Graphic courtesy of Beleave’s investor deck.

The company manages its four subsidiaries, Procannmed S.A.S., Seven Oaks, First Access Medical, and 9334416 Canada, from their headquarters is in Oakville, Ontario.

“We are extremely pleased to be providing secure transport services to Beleave. Beleave is vertically integrated in the medical and recreational cannabis markets within Canada with significant growth plans. It is available in 100% of Canada’s medical cannabis markets and over 55% of the recreational market with plans to roll out recreational cannabis distribution to 99.57% of Canadians before the close of 2020,” said Gerstenecker.

A supply and distribution network spanning four provinces requires a substantial amount of security with an experienced leader at the helm, all of which 3 Sixty has.

But the largest security threats aren’t necessarily from men in ski-masks and leather jackets. The Interac-machine jockey who offers ‘friends and family’ discounts can be just as much of a danger to a company’s bottom line.

Part of the service 3 Sixty will be offering to Beleave, as well as any other client they do business with, includes security audits.

These audits are designed to identify gaps in security, processes and personnel. They offer penetration testing to discern vulnerabilities in the operation, and then identify solutions with consideration of both security and budgetary requirements.

If the experience of the cannabis industry south of the border, with its fair share of security issues, is any indication, then the demand for security will only increase in the future.

–Joseph Morton

Full disclosure: 3 Sixty Secure is an Equity.Guru marketing client.

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