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Patents, partnerships and people: Graph Blockchain (GBLC.C) hits the ground running

Graph Blockchain (GBLC.C) doesn’t want to be thought of as just a blockchain company.

It’s not that they’re hesitant to identify with blockchain technology, it’s because they don’t want to let it define them and for good reason. To put it lightly, the market is disinclined towards blockchain companies and it’s important that any company using the technology be at the top of their game to avoid getting lumped in with the non-performers.

Since they went public on November 9th, Graph has been doing exactly that. They have since engaged in three separate moves, which will likely translate into a solid entrance into the market and a promising upward trajectory in the future.

Read: To make money in blockchain, invest in the people who do real business, not crypto


Earlier this month we reported that Graph Blockchain has four outstanding patents pending with Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) in conjunction with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Now that number has been cut in half as two of those patents have been accepted.

These are related to the control system for private blockchain systems.

Specifically, the patents include the processes, schema, algorithms and proprietary methodologies related to the enhancement and improvement of transactional performance for private blockchain systems.

The company is working on development their patent portfolio with an additional 10 extra patents at various stages of the process for private blockchain systems. These will be in such areas as data security, data replication, anomalous data detection and logistics data management.

What this essentially allows is the ability for Graph to profit from the sale and or incidental use of a previously patented product, program or idea. Good deal.

“Being granted the patents is a significant milestone for Graph. In addition to confirming our technical expertise in private blockchain data management, this also ensures that our intellectual property is protected in a space that is quickly evolving towards being an industry standard. For a number of the multinational clients that we are in discussions with, this is another major step that validates our technology as a solution provider,” said Peter Kim, Graph’s CEO.


Graph and Datametrex AI (DM.V) have been talking with the Canadian Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Agriculture about providing blockchain logistics and global supply chain management for the Canadian beef industry.

The demand for beef imports has been rising in Japan and South Korea over the past year, which is the largest rise since 2002.  These conversations aim to redirect attention back to Canadian beef despite global concerns over mad cow disease. Naturally, beef quality assurance was a major point of the discussion.

To accomplish this, the company has proposed blockchain based solutions which include the development of reporting and auditing systems for both tracking and tracing, delivery, payments, quotas and quality control.

“This represents a fantastic opportunity for both Datametrex and Graph as both companies will work together to provide the solution and integration of this innovative platform. We are thrilled to work with the Canadian governments and their embassy representatives on a solution that will help position Canadian farmers for expansion into new markets,” said Andrew Ryu, chairman and CEO of Datametrex.

Hot on the heels of this proposed new partnership are the dividends paid from an existing partnership with a big name client. In this case, it’s with LG (LGLD) which Graph signed on with with back in August 23, 2018 to provide blockchain solutions.

Graph Blockchain was paid $300,000 for completing the prototype solution for LG that had been announced previously on August 15th, 2018. Other existing partnerships include a division of Samsung (SSNLF) and KTNET, a Korean government agency.

“Successfully negotiating and executing contracts with multinational conglomerates and becoming a trusted solution provider with some of the world’s largest electronics companies puts us on the map globally,” Kim said.


A new company needs to draw the right talent if it is going to be successful, and Graph has pulled that one off admirably. Graph’s third-largest leap within its first month of life has been signing former IBM senior executive to their board.

Bernie Rice’s CV reads like a rags to riches story. Starting in IBM’s sales department, where he earned his keep in various leadership positions before graduating up to IBM finance.

From there, he made the jump to IBM’s finance director for application software, and by 1998 had jumped in and out of positions with titles like director of finance, planning and, CFO and general partner for IBM Venture Capital Group, followed by VP of business development for IBM’s consumer division.

It wasn’t long before he could add CEO to his long list of former job titles, and this one at the helm of Edmark, an IBM subsidiary in charge of developing education software for children.

“I am thrilled to join Graph’s board and be a part of their continuing growth. Seeing what the company has achieved to date is very impressive on its own merit, and when I was asked to join the board, it was evident that, through my network, I would be able to help elevate the company to the next level in becoming a global name in one of the highest-potential growth areas within the technology industry,” Rice said.

As an added bonus, Rice comes as a package deal with his business partner, Wesley Clark, a retired United States general who also ran for the  presidency in 2004.

They are working with a portfolio of companies to bring in successful, lucrative partnerships for Graph Blockchain in the future.

Full Disclosure: Graph Blockchain is an Equity Guru marketing client.

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