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May 12, 2024


Investment information for the new generation


precious metals

Building on yesterdays report, we will take a quick look at todays top 5 stock gainers and losers up or down double digits on the Canadian stock markets. Here…
On September 19th 2023, I published an article titled “The moment of truth for silver!“. I really meant it. The price of silver was contained between two major trendlines…
When people saw Ashley Gold (ASHL.C) was a $0.065 stock a few days ago, they may have ignored it as just another little gold explorer at a time when…
USD vs GOLD If you’ve ever talked to a proper goldbug and not got into a coma, then you probably remember the reason for investing in the yellow metal….
With headlines of inflation, market uncertainty, bank troubles, impending recession headlines, and geopolitical risks increasing, one can understand why money is running into hard assets. I have always maintained…
Prismo Metals (PRIZ.CN) shares are up over 9% with no news. Many are speculating that good news in the form of positive assays are coming. The junior mining company…
Gold has had a nice run ever since we called the bounce and reversal at the major $1680 support level. Let me refresh your memory by showing you the…
My mother tells me that “it is okay to not be okay”. This sort of thing comforts me for a moment until I realize that this quirky little phrase…
It has been quite some time since I have spoken about the chart of silver. Especially silver in relation to the major support zone that I will be talking…
Continuing our series on how to trade Russia-Ukraine, today I will discuss Platinum and Palladium. Firstly, I want to address yesterday’s article. Some people did not like the idea…