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I love to look for beat up sectors. From a fundamental perspective, perhaps there are deals out there waiting to be made. From a technical perspective, all markets move…
You don’t have to look far to find out that the cannabis industry ain’t what she used to be. We start the roundup with Village Farms International (VFF.T), which…
Heritage Cannabis Holdings (CANN.C) got their first order from the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission (AGLC) to start selling products in the province, according to a press release….
At a time when Hexo Cannabis (HEXO.T) has written off practically everything they’ve ever owned and will rollback 8 to 1 to maintain some chance of a balance sheet…
The adults stumbled in from the garage reeking of booze and cannabis like they did every Friday night when I was a kid, and those were my favourite times…
For a large part of its early days, one of the main selling points of US multi state cannabis store operator iAnthus (IAN.C) was that it was seemingly run…
“In a sector rife with terrible CEOs that have wasted company treasury and goodwill…none come close to Bierman in terms of self enrichment, entitlement, and outward facing douchery,” wrote…
New licenses, deals, products – that’s all good – but it’s not the nitty gritty stuff investors are looking for now. By “nitty-gritty” we mean – numbers. Four weeks ago, Heritage…
“The simple fact of the matter is ACB is getting around a THIRD of their product returned in real dollar terms,” wrote Equity Guru’s Chris Parry two months ago,…
Long time readers know, a year or two back, we wrote a lot about a US multi-state operator (MSO) in the cannabis dispensary space, iAnthus (IAN.C). We liked the…