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 “I’ve been frankly confused by this fascination that everybody has with Netflix. Netflix doesn’t really have or do anything that we can’t or don’t already do ourselves.” Jim Keyes,…
Netflix came out with an impressive earnings report. Stock buybacks and future positive cash flows have investors licking their lips, while NFLX broke out from a range pattern. I…
If I’d sold my $400,000 Vancouver apartment at that time (2012) and used the proceeds to purchase Netflix shares (@ $7.78), I’d be worth $25 million now….
Netflix has been a winner this year with a 60% move this year to date. With more people staying at home, and public entertainment places being shut down, there…
The streaming service war is about to get medieval, and nobody knows that more than Netflix (NFLX.Q), which has been desperately selling bonds to fund their moat construction as…
The countdown is on in the streaming service sector to see which of Netflix’s (NFLX.Q) future competitors will be the one to topple the king from his castle, and…