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Team Pump

NOTE: This company decided to ‘renegotiate’ with its service providers, including us, to get out of paying its debts. Read renegotiate as “opted not to pay its bills.” We…
Every junior markets public company goes through an evolution or five in the first few years of their life. It’s natural. Any time you’re expected to get from ‘adventurous…
Long time readers will remember the weird ass name of Maple Leaf Green World (MGW.C) from several years back in the cannabis space, when a group arrived from China…
Buying the pump can be a dangerous game, but no company on the North American markets right now is driving its pump as hard as American Aires (WIFI.C), a…
You know how sometimes you meet someone and think their life is such a train wreck, you don’t want to pile on by warning other people about them? Yeah,…
You’ve built a decent little company. You’ve grown some brands. You’re feeling okay about things when a bigger company comes along, offers you a bunch of their stock, making…
In my opinion, journalism – actual journalism – isn’t just about reporting what you see that’s wrong in the world, but working to get the things that are wrong…..
Liquor e-commerce platform LQR House (LQR.Q) made a bold but carefully worded announcement in January of this year that seemed like one of the greatest deals ever. A $1…
For my first article of the New Year in 2024, I wanted to bring you all something special – something worthy of the top spot. Not a deal that…
It usually takes a pubco longer than six months from listing to take on a financing that sells the house to pay for the backyard, but that’s what happened…