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I’ve noticed a subtle change in the order of things lately that, while it may seem a small thing, it’s actually a sign of something much bigger. Normally, I…
Ask a Canadian investor about Potash – and they’ll start nattering about decreasing arable land and a new generation of carnivores in India. Same thing with gold, oil, copper,…
Back about eighteen months ago, when we first started talking about a little tech startup called Nano One Materials (NNO.V), the usual troll crowd stopped by to blurt out…
On June 29, 2017 Manganese X (MN.V) revealed that its 1,600 meter spring drill program has been completed at its Houlton Woodstock project in New Brunswick. In 2016, Electric…
The spot price of manganese has been climbing steadily for a year. Manganese demand is surging because of a recent innovation in the way lithium-ion batteries are made. You…
I get it, you’ve heard of Nano One Materials (NNO.V) and you know they’ve promised they have tech that makes battery metals processing cheaper, better, smarter, stronger, faster, sexier,…
If you awoke this morning thinking about compelling and potentially profitable manganese investments, you’re not alone. Read on gentle reader: There’s money to be made. In this unique case,…
If you’re not well versed on what makes for a good manganese project, you’re not alone. While mine boffins can spout all sorts of talk on what makes a…
The Toronto Stock Exchange had a hard dose of reality today when the exchange lost over 260 points to rest at 15,518.81 during afternoon trading. Sean Spicer started the…
A week ago, when I hosted a Cambridge House Vancouver Resource Investment Conference panel on the lithium business, you couldn’t get a seat at the event for love or…