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Emerita Resources (EMO.V) is a Spain-based Zinc, Lead, Copper, Silver, and Gold explorer with a couple of projects coming to fruition. We’ve been telling you about it for a…
Metals continue to perform! In recent weeks, I have spoken about the breakouts on the gold and silver markets. The precious metals have been taking the spotlight, but copper…
Two things have changed about Canadian dinner parties over the last few years. The first is, people are less inclined to bring a sassy red and more inclined to…
When a new mining explorer shows up on the public markets, the company in question usually doesn’t start from scratch – they start from below scratch. That’s because not…
I often come back to the story of, when I was a reporter at the newspaper of record out here in Van City, the day my boss’ boss decided…
Falcon Gold (FG.V) is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on generating, acquiring, and exploring opportunities in the Americas. Falcon’s flagship project, the Central Canada Gold Mine, is approximately 20km…
Marvel Discovery Corp. (MARV.V), a Canadian-based junior explorer, is a multi-commodity resource company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of diverse metal assets in Canada.   Today, Marvel…
Chapais-Chibougamau is a major character in Canada’s mining story. Recognized as the second-largest mining district in Quebec’s portion of the Abitibi belt, Chapais-Chibougamau produced approximately 1.57 million tonnes of…
Everyone knows about gold mining in Canada, but you may be interested in knowing that mining for copper and gold in the Central Andes, a region stretching across Argentina,…
Gold mining in the Abitibi region began in the early 1900s and has led to the establishment of more than 124 mines. At least 15 of these mines have…