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The recent blood-bath in blue-chip stocks was catalysed by the spread of the coronavirus, but there are 5 underlying causes that have made it so dramatic and ugly….
A Wuhan market price list offers 112 types of wild critters including peacocks, foxes, giant salamanders, snakes, rats, porcupines and camel meat….
Videotron, a subsidiary of Quebecor (QBR.B), announced yesterday that it had reached an agreement to acquire Télédistribution Amos (Cable Amos) and its network. Mergers like this have two-sides. One is…
SRAX (SRAX.Q), a digital marketing company, released a survey of the opinions of 25,469 Americans regarding the political issues impacting voting decisions in the coming elections today. The survey…
Next up in dystopian nightmare fuel—Google (GOOG.Q) wants to handle your money. The company is preparing to offer checking accounts to consumers starting next year. Google’s project is presently…
Do you think Charles Koch sees himself as the protagonist in his very own Ayn Rand novel? Maybe he’s Hank Rearden, facing down the rampaging hordes of one-size-fits-all rent-seeking…
Harvest Health and Recreation (HARV.C) paired with the Last Prisoner Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to making sure every cannabis prisoner is freed, welcomed home and supported by their…
In the alcohol prohibition days producers would hatch some shady schemes to fill supply. One of these was distilling homemade alcohol and gin was the drink most commonly associated…
Con artists make money through deception. They lie and cheat people into thinking they’re being let in on some great deal, or some easy money, when they’re the ones…
China has a bug up its ass about U.S. and Canada’s new permissive cannabis laws. Is anyone surprised? Apparently, our new easygoing attitude towards cannabis and assorted products has…