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Upfront: I’ve never played a video game. I’m 100% sure I’ll never buy a Virtual Reality (VR) headset. So, this an “outsiders perspective” on VR. My first VR interaction…
On December 21, 2017 Hedge Fund Short Seller Carson Block issued a blistering attack on a Chinese on-line financial firm CIFS (CIFS.NASDAQ), claiming that CIFS overstated its revenue by…
So a handful of years ago, Postmedia paid me to go away and do something else instead of writing stories and creating online business opportunities for the Vancouver Sun…
Put your tinfoil hats on and get your decoder rings, It’s time to talk about the future. I want to tell you why I think BTC is the newest…
Here’s your chance to get a live feel for the market and the people behind it I want to extend a special invitation to readers and subscribers, to…
If you pay attention to Google Finance News articles (unlikely recently, due to the high number of spam articles infesting the joint), you’ve probably seen a multitude of ‘news…
FAANG stocks (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google) have had a rough ride lately. In June all five closed down at least three percent on big volumes. Then came…
Invictus MD Strategies (IMH.V) celebrated today when the company announced that it’s subsidiary, Future Harvest, which Invictus holds an 82.5% stake in, brought in $1.787 million in revenues for…
Among Canadian women who hold investments, 92 percent say they are either the primary or joint financial decision-makers in their households – yet only around 50 percent feel confident or knowledgeable…
“A fool and his money are soon parted.” It was ever thus. Too much trust, basic laziness and a lack of proper knowledge can lead investors down a treacherous path to losses and potentially a…