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Urbanimmersive (UI.V) and Positive Image adds extra safety dimension to real estate market

Urbanimmersive (UI.V) and Chicago-based photography business, Positive Image, have joined forces to bring Urbanimmersive 3D tours to the people, according to a press release.

We can all admit that social distancing sucks, but with all things that suck, there’s usually an upside. That upside is that social distancing has produced a demand for certain products. Among them, we have software-as-a-service options like the ones Urbanimmersive specializes in, which are 3D tours where social distancing measures come as part of the service. In this case, we’re talking about Urbanimmersive’s recently announced UiMeet3D, which offers a cost-effective 3D product involving multiple user interactions through videoconferencing technology.

“Having a client such as Positive Image now offering our 3D tours and our interactive UiMeet3D meetings further validates our great positioning in the market and our unique value proposition. We could expect to see other clients adopting our 3D tours with UiMeet3D in the near future,” according to Jeremy Bowman, vice president of sales at Urbanimmersive.

Positive Image has been offering photography, video, DVD and multimedia services in Chicago for the past 25 years. Their virtual tours are commonly used for real estate purposes, sending a prospective buyer through a virtual tour of a property, and a swap out to doing 3D tours in a housing market suffering through a pandemic seems like a no-brainer.

The only question is how much this business model is going to thrive once big pharma rolls out the vaccines, and we circle around on herd immunity.

“As a large real estate photography business, we have to maintain top-quality products while keeping our costs as low as possible. Urbanimmersive allows us to do just that by delivering the best quality at the best price for any available solution today in the market. Without having to worry about costly monthly hosting fees for 3D tours like other providers, we can rather focus on growing our business and offering the best solution to our customers. It was an easy decision to make the switch to Urbanimmersive 3D Tours,” said Steve Ivanov, found of Positive Image.


UI is trading at $0.215 today.

—Joseph Morton

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