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November 23, 2020

Dr. Houghton – a Director and Research Chair holder at Li Ka Shing – just won a Nobel Prize….
Canopy Growth’s (WEED.T) medical division, Spectrum Therapeutics, completed and published a new study on the long-term effects of cannabidiol (CBD), with specific focuses on toxicity and the lifespan effects…
Disruptive Battery, a subsidiary of Manganese X Energy (MN.V), and its joint venture partner PureBiotics, have recruited Virginia State University (VSU) to assist with researching the testing their heating,…
FansUnite is the talk of the markets. An incredible move, and one we covered here on Market Moment when the stock was trading at 0.20! I do a Blow…
Trading activity in the junior exploration arena is currently dominated by short tempers, across-the-board selling (some of it profit taking), and transient bouts of cautious buying. Should we have…