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May 31, 2019

I know what you’re going through. Yet another cannabis company going public. Holy smokes, does it never end? What are we at now, 300+? That was certainly my feeling…
Cryptocurrency is a hard sell for most people. The average person isn’t interested in things like censorship resistance, immutability, security, peer-to-peer services and other things that get blockchain enthusiasts…
Cadet Bone Spurs (President Trump) has an obsession with nicknames (“Crooked Hilary” “Sleepy Joe” “Crazy Bernie”) so he’s probably aware that Chinese pundits refer to him as “唐纳德” –…
Biome Grow (BIO.C) has just released its Q1 financials and confirmed what we already knew about management: it’s preference of responsible growth at a defensible rate. The quick ratio…