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June 13, 2017

In the wake of the Exxon Valdez spill and the invasion of Kuwait, the American Congress passed the Spark M. Matsunaga Hydrogen Research, Development, and Demonstration Program Act, an…
California online lottery ticket dotcom Lottogopher (LOTO.C) has had a ripping last few trading days as Powerball fever gripped the west coast. With a US $447 million prize jackpot…
Nick Hodge, Investment Director at Wall Street’s Underground Profits, is taking an interest in Canadian gold juniors after a series of merger and acquisitions is revealing a pattern.  Recent…
Cryptocurrency is exploding and stupidity abounds as hopefuls and charlatans put up a shingle for investors to throw ridiculous amounts of money at. One example of cryptocurrency for the…
Bitcoins have become the nameplate for cryptocurrencies since Satoshi gave them their name. These digital assets are mined through the solution of complex algorithms which in turn, build a…