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Laguna Blends (LAG.C) up 23% after go signal

NOTE: Apple Capital jumped another 26% the day after this was posted, up $0.08 to $0.38. Looks like a roll is starting to take shape.

Also, a Laguna Blends coffee sachet that I’ve been carrying around in the bottom of my laptop bag for too long finally broke, covering me and my mobile office with coffee powder. I’m literally a walking advertisement for the product. But I’m okay with that because it smells great.

Well played, readers.

Laguna Blends (LAG.C), the hemp protein/coffee affiliate marketing play I mentioned yesterday as being at the starting line at last, jumped 23% this morning as some of you hopped aboard.

As mentioned, the company has done over 100k in sales over its first eleven weeks, establishing hundreds of sales affiliates in quick time.

Stock jumped this morning from $0.105 to $0.13 and, as long as early baggies (like me) don’t decide to cash in on a few pennies gained, it should keep heating up through the next few days.

Nicely done, son.

And just so we’re clear, I’m a consultant for the company and own stock.

In other sponsor news, Nano One Materials (NNO.V), a longtime supporter of this site (inasmuch as the site has existed for three months now) has been slumping a little over the last week. Nothing drastic but a little cashing in going on by people who’ve ridden it up from a double since February.

Good time to have it on your watchlist and take advantage of dips.

Also, beaten up old cannabis oils extractor Golden Leaf (GLH.C) has seen some positive market activity, which is a nice sign. The stock has moved up from the low $0.30’s to the high $0.30’s with news that the company is focusing its efforts on its core strengths.

It’s been all quiet at Golden Leaf for the last few weeks as they make changes left and right, and I suspect this is a sign that the market issues the company dealt with over the last year may be getting sorted. Not much juice left there for shorters – if it gets over $0.40 again sometime soon, I’d see that as a buy sign, personally, though your own due diligence may differ..

–Chris Parry


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