Attempting to secure a reliable supply of vital minerals, the 2019 American Mineral Security Act promised to expedite permitting on Federal land for domestic production of lithium and other necessary minerals such as cobalt and dysprosium. Why? The global production of critical minerals totaled approximately 542.5 million metric tons in 2017 and according to a recent World Bank Group report, we could require over three billion tons of minerals and metals to meet our climate change targets – production will have to increase. Lithium, the core of most energy storage technologies, will figure prominently over the next 25 years, yet the United States produces less than 2% of the global lithium supply and has not seen a new lithium mine in almost sixty years. American Lithium (LI.V), a Canadian-based junior explorer, is working hard to change all that with its TLC lithium project, located in one of America’s most prospective lithium sedimentary basins. TLC boasts a 43-101 compliant 5.37 metric tons of measured and indicated lithium carbonate equivalent. American Lithium’s flagship property, stretching across 4,000 acres near Tonopah, Nevada is only a 4-hour drive away from Tesla’s Gigafactory. TLC’s lithium reserves start at the surface, ensuring production from Day one with no toxic waste materials such as mercury, arsenic or uranium. The property is surrounded by paved roads and skilled labor, with easy access to cheap electricity and gas as well as water. This proximity dramatically increases the ability to fast track the project. Once in production, TLC’s forward-thinking extraction methodologies will be able to draw out 90% of the lithium in minutes, versus the days or months it takes for traditional lithium extraction processes. Besides production speed, the company is filled out by expert management with a proven track record. For example, CEO, Mike Kobler, a 35-year industry veteran, founded Osum Oil Sands Corp, taking it to a near $500 million valuation during his tenure. While CFO Andrew Bowering, another 30-plus year mining veteran, founded Millennial Lithium, in its final development stage after raising over $100 million in financing. With lithium demand expected to double over the next five years and over 50% of it currently being imported to the States from Venezuela and Chile, the significant potential quality and grade of American Lithium’s TLC project and its safe location in mining-friendly Nevada, could produce an electrifying opportunity for investors as we build out our 21st century. Full disclosure: American Lithium is an Equity.Guru marketing client