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On July 13, 2021 Falcon Gold (FG.V) announced that it has acquired a significant land position within the Hope Brook Area, Newfoundland. Falcon Gold has de-risked itself significantly by…
On March 9, 2021 Falcon Gold (FG.V) announced that the TSX Venture Exchange has approved the purchase of the Gaspard Gold Claims located in central BC. The Gaspard Property…
Today, a tiny ($15 million market cap) gold company, Falcon Gold (FG.V), released strong results from its 2nd drill hole in Central Canada Gold Mine project in Ontario….
The claims are contained within the Birch-Uchi-Confederation Lakes greenstone belt which host the world-renowned Red Lake gold deposits, including the Dixie project currently being drilled by Great Bear Resources…
Today, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a statement predicting that the global economy will take a $12 trillion hit from the Covid-19 pandemic. $12 trillion is 60% the…
the answer to a metals-analyst “when-question” should never include allusions to wine, chickens or pornography (a date would be more instructive)….
The results have confirmed the presence of gold mineralization to a depth of 83 metres below surface of the historic Central Canada Gold Mine…
Stuck at home, but armed with online trading apps, individual investors helped drive the historic comeback for stocks…
“Ball of confusion, that’s what the world is today”. Back in January of this year, we presented a solid case for approaching the broader markets with extreme caution in…
Some might be wondering, is this it for the precious metals? Gold has had a phenomenal run. It’s looking kinda expensive right now. And it’s taken a hit in…