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May 20, 2024


Investment information for the new generation



To tell this story in 25 words or less would be to do it a terrible injustice, so I’ve sat on it for a bit, letting the dust settle,…
Cannabinoid (CBD) – a non-psychoactive isomer of THC – has become such a sizzling hot commodity that Chris Burggraeve, a former Coca-Cola (KO.NYSE) executive, recently called it the “new…
This week the weed markets corrected. Equity Guru readers are worried. They have every right to be. Money is important. Unless you already have too much of it. We,…
Had a conversation on the phone with Stephen Pynn, VP of Corporate Devs at Pure Global (PURE.V) this week that got me thinking. Pure has had an up and down…
A week ago, US dispensary roll-up play MedMen (MMEN.C) closed an $86m financing and a $99.95m loan to help them complete a $682m deal to buy PharmaCann, which has…
If you thought weed stocks were going to run when the new Canadian cannabis laws came in, guess again. Those had been baked into share price for over a…
Recreational cannabis is legal in Canada, praise Jesus. But anyone who thought pre-rolls would be falling from the sky on day one is living in a fantasy world. Queues…
A reader asked us a few days ago why The Green Organic Dutchman’s (TGOD.T) stock was plummeting over the last few weeks. It’s a fair question. While we were…
In news that pushed MedMen’s (MMEN.C) share price to new highs, the red shirt crew have announced they’re buying US based Pharmacann LLC for $682 million… or, rather, $682…
If you’re the kind of investor who applies added value to a cannabis company that grows a premium product, that company growing an organic product is likely a big…