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June 28, 2024


Investment information for the new generation



When last we checked in with eXeBlock Technologies (XBLK.C), they were not exactly chatty. Maybe this is why: Alternately, maybe this is why: I’m probably not their most…
Every now and then a company comes along that wants to raise a whole whack of cash from you so they can do what you could just do yourself…
Yesterday Bitcoin thumped its chest, had a nap, woke up, felt sad, became incontinent and then got an erection. It was a day of many moods. At one point,…
when you ask Steve Marshall, CEO of CUV Ventures (CUV.V) about Cuba, he says, “It’s a lovely place. Great people. Lots of opportunity.” He doesn’t say (anymore), “We are…
After the Great Data Rush of 2017, the blockchain sector is cooling.  Opportunistic companies like “Organic Blockchain Landscaping” and “Zesty Blockchain Pizza” are melting in the spring rain. Crypto-miner…
Bangkok-based Equity Guru writer and tech wizard, Craig Amos just informed me that every night there are multiple efforts to hack the Equity Guru website. Trying to gain a…
According to Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the economic burden of mental illness in Canada is estimated at $51 billion per year, including health care costs and…
We’re there. We’ve finally moved forward from ‘you have ‘blockchain’ in your name, here’s $20m’ to ‘yes yes, blockchain, we get it – but what’s the business model?’ –…
Good morning from my underground lair where, surrounded by glowing monitors, keyboards, and a slightly fey servant named Beauregard watch the news both analog and digital on our client…
There’s no way to properly know how important the health of HIVE Blockchain (HIVE.V) is for other companies in the blockchain sector, but just as good figures for Canopy…