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Moneyball Picks

When a new mining explorer shows up on the public markets, the company in question usually doesn’t start from scratch – they start from below scratch. That’s because not…
There are hundreds of resource explorers in the Canadian public markets and, of those, a startling number exist in the uranium space. The bad news on that is, it…
Lithium sucks. That’s the prevailing wisdom in the lithium space right now. Everyone has got the memo that lithium prices arw down, there’s been an oversupply, and even though…
I often come back to the story of, when I was a reporter at the newspaper of record out here in Van City, the day my boss’ boss decided…
Bionxt Solutions Inc. (BNXT.C) has finished a study on a new type of medicine strip that dissolves in your mouth. This strip is designed to treat multiple sclerosis (MS),…
Uranium has been the ‘next big thing’ on the public markets in Canada for a few years now, and though sectors like lithium and even oil and gas have…
When we last talked about Ashley Gold Corp (ASHL.C), we framed things as a one-man show diligently working his ass off to progress a gold property that had plenty…
Yesterday, we pointed out the guys at Standard Uranium (STND.V) had been hired to do the technical exploration work at The Atlentic Project, an Athabasca Basin-based uranium play that…
Traditionally, mid-to-large sized public companies stick to their knittting. A biotech company stays in biotech, a weed company stays in weed, a gold company shies away from oil and…
The heart of Northern Saskatchewan’s eastern Athabasca basin is a cold, desolate place. The crusty ground crunches under foot, even when the snow isn’t two feet thick. The greenery…