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July 26, 2024


Investment information for the new generation


Millennial Falcon

Artifical Intelligence ‘picks and shovels’ play Alset Capital (KSUM.V) today announced the latest deal in its AI customer-flow, with its portfolio company Cedarcross International Technologies Inc. signing an agreement…
A few years back, for a hot minute, the investment world was consumed by a single word, that is until Mark Zuckerberg made it uncool. That word was “metaverse,”…
So we’ve been messing with this new retail investor tool/platform that, frankly, has a lot of people talking – mostly wondering when they’ll get to play with it. The…
Imagine, if you will. someone came to you with a request to borrow some money for a business. The money would be used to buy an old, end-of-life oil…
Today I found myself going down an investment rabbit hole, chasing information about a company that, to be honest, is wallowing, and has for a while. Unmarketed. Unexplained. Unsimple….
Nobody understands graphite exploring. You know this, I know this. We can fake it for a bit based on general mining knowledge, but graphite doesn’t get much investor love…
When a new mining explorer shows up on the public markets, the company in question usually doesn’t start from scratch – they start from below scratch. That’s because not…
You’ve built a decent little company. You’ve grown some brands. You’re feeling okay about things when a bigger company comes along, offers you a bunch of their stock, making…
What a time to be alive; there was a period in our civilized history where getting alcohol on a Sunday was a tough racket, now we’re exploring the safe…
Several years back, Hugh Rogers was in my office talking about his cannabis company. Way back then, the plan was to grow in Germany and be first on the…