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Medical Marijuana Update

I told you. Then I told you again. I know it’s uncouth to say “I told you so,” but I did, didn’t I? BC Bud Corporation (BCBC.C) has jumped…
You’ve built a decent little company. You’ve grown some brands. You’re feeling okay about things when a bigger company comes along, offers you a bunch of their stock, making…
I was feeling every ounce of my chest cold, the thing everyone apparently has, the one that’s going around, the one that’s not covid but who could tell. I…
Cannabis companies are a hard sell to Canadian investors, after years of some of the most irresponsible pubco management making that sector taboo, but there are still good targets…
Good things happen in sunny Costa Mesa, California and, today, one of those good things happened for a certain group of cannabis investors. Longtime readers may recall Trent Kitsch,…
Long time readers have been aware that, for some time, Equity.Guru has been a supporter of Canntab Therapeutics (PILL.C), but have been frustrated watching the company being slow on…
News this week that Canntab Therapeutics (PILL.C) received an Australian patent for their hard-pressed cannabis pill tech, to match those received earlier in North America, didn’t launch the stock…
I’ve made no secret of the fact that the Canadian cannabis market frequently annoys the hell out of me. What I want is for it to be a mature…
At a time when Hexo Cannabis (HEXO.T) has written off practically everything they’ve ever owned and will rollback 8 to 1 to maintain some chance of a balance sheet…
A few days ago, World Class Extractions (PUMP.C) announced they’d done a deal with a ‘leading licensed producer’ (that we figured out is Aphria – APHA.T) to take over…