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Here we are for another installment in my ongoing series on how to rise, phoenix-like from the ashes of the Cryptopocalypse. So far we’ve looked at the lay of…
Welcome back to my series for folks who have been burned in the cryptopocalypse or for those who see an opportunity and want to build a smarter portfolio for…
Welcome back to my series on how to come out of the current Crypto mess a little bit wiser, a little less broke and well placed to ride the…
The Dow fell this week. The end is here. All Crypto stocks took the kind of beating the AV kids used to catch when the roid-heads from the varsity…
So a rough day today for Crypto and Cannabis investors. While cynics and naysayers call everything under the sun a Ponzi scheme, this month an actual crypto based Ponzi…
I’ve called out blockchain blockheads before. This evening I want to highlight a trifecta of crypto news stories. These stories all illustrate the ripple effect the current gasbag of…
Stock market investing is a like life. It comes with regular doses of pain. Yesterday, January 29th, 2018 – pretty much every stock market, all over the world, tanked….
I’ve been pretty myopic on the subject of mining and cannabis in Quebec. It hadn’t really occurred to me to explore what’s going on in the crypto space. Turns…
Another day, another Cryptopocalypse. Cryptocurrencies took a huge dive in the last little bit, on news that Korea would be looking at regulating the digital currency sphere. At the…
Cycle Hype at Its Finest The cryptocurrency boom is approaching editorial cartoon levels of absurdity, and it deserves it. The investing public is watching the social media posts of…