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Stephan Herman

As everyone continues to scream about cryptocurrency meltdowns, bubbles, gottendammerung, ragnarok, or what have you, the operators in the space continue to make moves. Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency aren’t…
Welcome back after a holiday hiatus to Eat my Shorts, our semi regular column looking at short activity. This month I’m looking at the big weed players. Aphria (APH.T),…
Another day, another Cryptopocalypse. Cryptocurrencies took a huge dive in the last little bit, on news that Korea would be looking at regulating the digital currency sphere. At the…
This morning, Quantum Minerals Corp. announced they have expanded their claims portfolio at their Irgon Mine site in Beautiful Manitoba, Canada. Nine lovely new parcels of mineral rights are…
Hey it’s time to see what our francophone friends in Quebec are up to in the last little while. How do you say Bubble in french? Starting off with…
Hey, it’s Tuesday, let’s have some fun. Here are some hyped stories I saw today and thought were relevant to our interests. So rich. Much valuation. Wat? So Dogecoin,…
Oh, Namaste. Why do you do this to yourself? Today, Trading on N.C was halted because the stable genii (Plural for Geniuses, is Geniuses, -Ed.) in management did not…
The sky isn’t falling in the Cannabis sector — but think about taking advantage of the people who think it is. What a crazy day huh. The news that…
A fun pair of linked announcements  from HIVE Blockchain (HIVE.C). In the morning they announced they had secured the last $65M of their $115M financing agreement with a group…
Good morning and welcome to the latest Quebec update where I take a look at the french language media coverage in our areas of interests. In the time since…