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Greg Nolan

The current junior mining landscape might be described as a medieval battlefield at dawn. The battered and beaten remains of countless companies – many of which are good, asset…
In a recent Equity Guru article, we talked about gold’s underperformance in the face of off-the-charts geopolitical and economic uncertainty. The explanations for said underperformance vary from the ‘Barbarous…
Several interesting facts you may or may not know about Argentina: Argentina ranks high on the HDI and GINI scale. 97% of the country’s population live in urban areas. 98%…
Azincourt Energy (AAZ.V) is building a robust project portfolio in the clean energy~clean fuel space.  What they’ve has assembled thus far is impressive. Last month we covered the company’s…
Gold, the ultimate mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma. One would expect in this era of rabid currency debasement and geopolitical uncertainty, gold would be carving out…
Prior to 1972, Sri Lanka was known as Ceylon. Its most famous export, Ceylon Tea, was known globally. Its marketing slogan: ‘the finest tea in the world.’ Ceylon Graphite…
Canada Cobalt Works (CCW.V) dropped significant news on November 2nd. With barely 45 minutes remaining in the trading day, the stock broke out of its short-term holding pattern and…
Closely followed Mexican oil and gas developer International Frontier (IFR.V) released a production and development update on November 1st. First, a quick review… As you may recall from a…
Rick Rule, President, and CEO of Sprott US Holdings Inc talked about Africa with Tekoa Da Silva in a recent interview where he characterized the continent as one of…
Canada Cobalt Works (CCW.V) released news midway through the trading session on October 24th. It wasn’t what many in the market were expecting. The junior mining sector, predominately populated…