About Equity.guru
Since 2015, North America’s most reliable smallcap stock market investment information outlet. No punches pulled, no BS accepted, no investor left behind.
Mission and Vision
We’re not stock promoters.
We’re not Investor Relations.
We’re not a shady short-selling cabal.
We’re journalists. That’s it. We dig for good information, we hold executives accountable, we don’t pull our punches, and we tell you what we’re buying and what we’re selling BEFORE we sell.
Equity.Guru is the journalist in the boardroom, asking hard questions, getting a deeper look at a company than most might be afforded, and sharing clear information from the viewpoint that the best possible marketing for a company that wants to demonstrate its legitimacy is to be open, transparent, and fearless.
Our Values and Goals
We hold ourselves – and you – to some high standards.
Honest always
If your audience doesn't believe you'd put their interests ahead of a sponsor's interests, you're not a journalist, you're an ad agency. Our focal point is to show, that always, we speak the truth. And humour. Mostly truth. Even if that's uncomfortable for a client.
Have some skin in the game
If your audience doesn't believe you'd put their interests ahead of a sponsor's interests, you're not a journalist, you're an ad agency. Our focal point is to show, that always, we speak the truth. And humour. Mostly truth. Even if that's uncomfortable for a client.
Diversity is an advantage
Our staff reflect our audience and come from a range of genders, cultures, lifestyles, and interests. The old, rich white guys have plenty of places to get their info, so we built our company to speak to everyone else.
Be where the puck is going
If one sector is running red hot, that's when we start looking for what's next. We were the first to explore cannabis companies, the first into a blockchain, first to take Canadian biotech seriously, the first to talk about the potential (and pitfalls) of e-sports, the first to take psychedelics seriously, and we'll be the first ones to talk about whatever is going to follow those. Being mainstream means never being first. We are not in the mainstream.
'Fess up when you screw up
Sure, sometimes you'll get something wrong in your assessment of a company but, when you do, own up to it publicly and take your beating. Especially when your mistakes might cost someone money.
Call the exits
When we think a stock has hit its peak, or at least a place where our audience will have made a great return, we'll say so. And if we're getting out, we won't make a secret of that. Taking your profits is the only way you can ever make money on the markets, and should never be seen as a betrayal of the company.
Don't speak down – speak up
We assume our audience isn't made up of sophisticated financial geniuses and MBAs, and make sure to explain terminology to you clearly, so you come out of one of our stories better educated going forward. And when something isn't right out there in the markets, we'll say so in no uncertain terms.
Offend those who choose to take offense
If you prefer, you can choose to get your information somewhere else if your sensibilities are too brittle for how we engage our audience, we understand that and appreciate your right to visit the sort of websites that reflect your values. Is our language salty? Yep. Do we make jokes? Yep. Will we call a douchebag CEO a 'douchebag CEO'? Yep. That's how we roll. It's how we've grown our business. It's who we are.
The Equity.Guru Story
In 2013, Chris Parry realized maintaining his job at the Vancouver Sun meant following a business plan put in place by people who didn’t seem to understand the business they were in.
News organizations aren’t selling soap, they’re selling honesty and integrity, and you lose that every time you don’t report on a story because of advertising considerations, or don’t follow up a story because you need something new for web traffic, or fill an entire section of your paper with advertorial content, or fire local journalists and run syndicated content in their place.
Parry tried to help the parent company grow out of their old-fashioned thinking but, despite winning awards for his online journalism projects, found constant efforts by management to play it safe.
So Parry left to put his ideas into play and centred on financial journalism as the genre most boring, least trustworthy, and most open to disruption. Equity.Guru was born.
Since 2015, despite being repeatedly told ‘millennials don’t do investing’, the company has blossomed into a multi-platform media outlet. EG employs esteemed news anchors with decades of experience, and young journalists in the making, as well as experts in specific sectors, taking readers on a journey of edcuation and discovery.
Today, Equity.Guru remains the only outlet built on the contrarian strategy of taking money from client companies to pay attention to their stories, while not guaranteeing that attention will result in positive coverage unless it’s earned.
Our clients know the deal: If they do what they promise, and build what they say they’re building, everyone will win, from the investor on up. But if they don’t, we’ll be the first ones to hold them accountable.
Because that’s journalism.

Meet the Team
Equity.Guru is proud to be home to a diverse group of creatives and analysts, contributing their varied skill sets to our quality content production.

Chris Parry

Lukas Kane

Gaalen Engen

Greg Nolan

Madelyn Grace

Joseph Morton

CEO, Founder, Consulting Journalist
Chris Parry
A multi-Webster Award winner for excellence in BC journalism, Parry is the founder and publisher of Equity.Guru, which he built with the specific plan to blend old school reporting with stock promotion, in a way that puts the emphasis on truth, high standards, and ethics. Parry is a veteran of TV, radio, and print, and consults with public companies to help them figure out their storylines, lay down achievable milestones, and improve their communication with shareholders, while also posting regular deep dive analysis of companies in the public spotlight.

Senior Writer
Lukas Kane
Lukas Kane is the pen name of Vancouver-based filmmaker, investor and writer Guy Bennett. Previously the CEO of a North American investment news syndicate, Mr. Bennett was also the Communication Director for a consortium of resource extraction companies. Over the course of his career, he has toured copper mines on the Antofogasta desert in Chile, potash projects in Saskatchewan, cannabis labs in California and clothing factories in Shenzhen, China. He now brings his skillset to Equity.Guru as one of its senior writers, dissecting all sorts of industries.
Talk to him about his movie projects, his journey learning Mandarin, and football (the real one, with the spherical ball).

Writer, Audio/Video Producer, IT, Web Development
Gaalen Engen
Gaalen has had over 25 years of experience in film and television, in capacities ranging from production to acting – and that’s before we talk about his years in professional live theatre (and his experience in cabinetry, finishing carpentry and framing). He’s capably spun all his experiences into an able and creative technical producer for all sorts of projects at Equity.Guru.
Talk to him about any and all movies, macro-socioeconomic progress, his experience with Jackie Chan on Rumble in the Bronx, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Don’t talk to him about small yappy dogs or Ayn Rand.

Natural Resources Expert
Greg Nolan
Greg Nolan is a writer and investor based in Victoria, BC. He’s had an extensive career in the resource sector, working with over a dozen reforestation companies before stepping out on his own. He found his niche running high-production crews specializing in logistically challenging helicopter projects on the West Coast of Vancouver Island and the remote coastal inlets of mainland B.C.
His focus on environmental resources also extends to mining, having followed resource stocks since his teens. His writings at Equity.Guru reflect his deep understanding of the historical cycles and major players’ performances over time within the natural resources sector.
Talk to him about the more untamed locales of Western Canada, his book, and all things mining-related.

Resident Millennial
Madelyn Grace
Maddy has graciously allowed the Equity.Guru audience to take a look into her investor education journey – and is here to ask all your questions, with a heavy dose of millennial cynicism and good humour (swear it’s not oxymoronic). With an EngLit degree from Ryerson University, and a pedigree that includes having been killed on CW series Supernatural twice, she fits right in with the rest of the Equity.Guru team, making even the most dull financial topic approachable.
Talk to her about feminism, the acting world in Vancouver and all your financial woes.
Don’t talk to her about pineapple on pizza, NFTs, or how cheesecake is really a pie.

Resident Cryptocurrency Expert
Joseph Morton
Joseph is a Vancouver-based author and journalist with both a communications degree and journalism diploma (and a few novels) under his belt. His joie de vivre is to spin difficult technical topics into more human-centric narratives.
Buy him a coffee and he’ll talk your ear off for hours about privacy issues, blockchain, cryptocurrency and martial arts.
Don’t talk to him if you’re either a tomato, a bully, or if you’re not a fan of either 1984 or Tender is the Night. No. You can still talk to him. Just be prepared to be told why you’re wrong.
Capital Markets Program
For the public company interested in having honest analytical coverage of their best efforts in helping their shareholders make money.