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June 7, 2018

We cover a lot of weed companies here at Equity Guru (EG), but Quadron Cannatech (QCC.C) is in a category of its own. The quintessential “Picks & Shovels” play,…
Gold stocks, including that objectionable subculture of junior exploration companies, have been in hibernation during a multi-year bear market. It’s been a long loooong winter for this hapless sector….
The French philosopher and writer, Voltaire (1694-1778) once wrote a satirical verse, insinuating the esteemed Régent Philippe II had impregnated his own daughter. Although local scholars agreed the verse…
Canopy and Organigram continue to lead the pot resurgence, and the oil market continues to slide while Aphria gets the big number. Here’s What Happened June 6th Canopy Growth…