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VANC Pharmaceuticals (VANC.V) more than doubles as fight for board control ensues

There were a lot of bummed out investors when VANC Pharmaceuticals rolled back their share base recently, but the dip has brought about a very interesting last 48 hours as, according to information we’ve been hearing, a fight for board control has sent the stock soaring.

After an extended period at around $0.19, VANC shares have flown over the last few days, topping at $0.47 before settling in around $0.41 at the time of writing. That’s a 115% increase.

Happy long time holders are in the dark as to what’s going on, but we hear a group of shareholders have taken advantage of the lower price to position themselves for a run at the board.

Can’t say whether the activity will continue or not, but volume appeared to surge at 11am Wednesday when the price topped out. Best guess is the buyers will wait and see how many bagholders sell up before maybe making another run if prices sag once more.

VANC was most recently in the news when it announced, in early December, that it was looking to acquire HealthTab, an in-pharmacy pin-prick health analytics system.

VANC Pharma’s business model is to supply low cost generic treatments and products to the healthcare space, such as Hema-Fer, CortiVera and VanFer.

— Chris Parry

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