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The big new weed play to end all weed plays: Soon

Regular readers will know that I’ve been talking up a company that’s coming to market soon, as the first ‘big boy pants’ weed play not just in Canada, but maybe beyond.

But I haven’t told you what the name of the company is. And I won’t. Not publicly, anyway.

Not yet.

Because I just got my hands on a confidential investor deck that, frankly, has blown my freaking mind. I’m consuming it right now, checking the veracity of its contents, making sure there’s not something I’m missing here, and quietly fist pumping.

Why would an investor deck be confidential? Because they’re not looking for investors. The deck is being used to ACQUIRE COMPANIES.

It’s kinda boss. So I’m going to write it up for all of you over the coming days, but the ONLY people who will have access to that write-up are the ones who’ve signed up for the Equity.Guru newsletter.

That’s right. Put your email in the box above, below or to the side of this piece, confirm your address, and you’ll get the glory before anyone else.

This site doesn’t bury you in ads and pop-ups and weirdness. We just give you the content and roll with it. But this time, you’re going to need to commit.

It’s the only way to be first to the information. Online readers will be getting it late.

Don’t be that guy. Sign up now.

— Chris Parry

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6 thoughts on “The big new weed play to end all weed plays: Soon”

  1. After scouring the net with detective goggles on the only play I see involves Aphria, Cannabis Royalties. Possible buy up another LP and look south of the border to perhaps Golden Leaf. Marc Lustig ex Dundee exec has connections, big connections. Perhaps Cannabis Royalties to go public soon?????

  2. Don’t think this is the weed play you’re talking about but they seem “big boy pants” so wanted to ask you if you know anything about PharmaCielo, a Canadian company with operations in Colombia? Featured in a NY Times article recently.
    Expect to produce for 5 cents a gram. Looking to export to Canada and other countries. Jim Rogers the commodities guru involved. Multiple team members have ties to Philip Morris. Extensive agricultural export business experience. Connections to President’s Choice Financial. A senior vice president, Wholesale, Gas, Liquor & Tobacco for Loblaw Companies (I’m thinking they have their eye on Shoppers pharmacies).
    Could this be Big Tobacco positioning themselves? Doesn’t seem like they’re too interested in growing in North America. Think Big Booze will want to take over successful brands?
    Aphria is all about lowest cost producer in Canada with less focus on branding. When this becomes a global industry could companies growing near the Equator have a large impact on their future business or is there room for everyone?
    Look forward to your thoughts (or a future article is cool too). Thanks!

  3. Hey Chris, know anything about PharmaCielo the Canadian company with operations in Colombia? Featured in a NY Times article recently. I checked out the background of all their team members and found some very interesting connections. Definitely big boy pants. Could this be Big Tobacco positioning themselves for this emerging global industry?

    1. Check out Cannabis Royalties as well. Big boy pants as well with established connections to big capital. KES7 is worthy of a visit to their website. Also working with Aphria.

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