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Ydreams coming to Vancouver for high tech presentations next week

I’ve had my eye on a not-yet-public outfit from Brazil called Ydreams for the past year or so now. They’ve been a long time coming.

Ydreams is in the world of interactive presentations, which might seem meh to some until you see the scope of their interactivity. From virtual reality exhibitions at the World Cup, an upcoming deal with the Rio Olympics, a hotel skyscraper that lights up as you drag your finger across their downloadable app, a bank headquarters where robots approach you in the lobby, ask you who you want to see, and then lead you to that person… there’s a lot of potential in this outfit.

The downside, according to some I’ve heard speak of them, is ‘why come here to go public?’

The answer is, the Brazilian economy is in the toilet. A deal that brings them a few hundred K in Brazil would be worth 10x up north. And the line up of clients they have in Brazil would look amazing up here.

It’s a tech play with enormous upside, as far as I’m concerned. So they’ll be roadshowing next week, and I’ve got one of their time slots booked. Interested investors should contact me if they’d like to get snuck in – only have a couple of seats to share and a pre-RTO financing is underway.

–Chris Parry

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