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Airshare (SRJ.V): Uber for charter flights?

It’s been flying pretty much under the radar for the last few months (pun completely intended), but a new company called AirShare is backing into the Spearmint Resources shell (SRJ.V) and, according to rumblings, may have some news out this week.

The concept has taken a little while to come clear, but here’s how I understand it:

  • A person decides they need a chartered flight to get somewhere at the time they need, but the (let’s say) $10,000 price tag is a bit rich, considering there’d be nine empty seats on the flight.
  • Using Airshare’s website, said passenger can list the empty seats on that chartered flight for sale, and every time another person books a seat, the price per person drops down. If two people are on board, they pay $5k each (let’s say), and if 3 more book on, it’s now $2k each. Fill the flight and everyone’s getting a great deal.
  • The chartered airlines will enjoy the increase in bookings, the passengers get more flexibility and savings, and everyone’s a winner.

The downside:

There are a lot of companies called Airshare out there. Like, it’s not an unpopular name.

And the business will need to ramp up quickly, to hit critical mass before competitors clamber aboard. There I go again with the airline metaphors.

Meanwhile, Spearmint proper appears to be still kicking along, having put out news last week that it was looking over a lithium property it recently got its hands on. Trading volume spiked markedly and the stock ticked upwards.

Raising the sort of money needed to get front facing marketing on this concept won’t be simple, but any time you can describe a tech play as ‘it’s Uber for..’ [something], investors get the vapours.

I’ve been waiting for activity for a while, and the lithium sector is obviously what’s heating things up right now, so I may jump in this week with a little tipple.

On the markets side, lots of folks involved who have a track record of raising cash and market awareness, so it’ll be interesting to see if it’s finally go time on Airshare.

–Chris Parry

FULL DISCLOSURE: No commercial relationship, no stock owned.

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