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April 6, 2016

And the hits just keep coming. Execs at Equitas Resources (EQT.V) have been talking to me for a few weeks now about the new gold deal they’re walking into,…
Regular readers (of my as yet un-launched site) will know I’ve been talking to Veritas Pharma (VRT.C) over the last few weeks. I’m liking the business more and more,…
Over the past week, the Globe and Mail launched their ‘Gen Y Money’ page. In researching for my gig at this new site, I knew the Globe page was…
Here I am, in 2016, writing for a financial publication. Spoopy. Ten years ago, if you had told me that I’d be working my ass off for several businesses…
Just kidding. Nothing can fix Valeant Pharmaceuticals (VRX.T). Canada’s Big Pharma Clown Car has been in an out of congressional committees wondering why it charges a small fortune for…