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Who I’m Talking To: Veritas Pharma (VRT.C) and my first recruit

The first of her words I ever read were, “Be warned: I will piss of a lot of my colleagues on this one.”

She had me at hello.

As you may have noticed from the tagline on this site, I’m planning on gearing the content on Equity.Guru towards millennials. Not that you old grey-haired Gandalf types aren’t also welcome, but I tend to use words like ‘douchebag’ pretty liberally and I sleep on a mattress on the floor because who can be arsed putting together the bed frame that’s been in my basement for the last 18 months and I think Bernie Sanders isn’t liberal enough, so I’m pretty sure there’ll be an element of the establishment class that won’t want to come around here much.

But there’s a much bigger element, I think, that you guys have long ignored, and that’s the kids who have extra cash lying about and nothing to do with it other than piss it away at a pub, or on PokerStars, or at FanDuel, or at Fluevog.

My secret weapon going forward at Equity.Guru (or, rather, my first secret weapon) is Lexi.

I asked Lexi for a corporate headshot. I got this.


She’s gonna fit right in around here.

Lexi will be writing pieces about ‘investing as a millennial,’ and does so with a background in having started her own businesses and having worked in the financial sector and having vigorously disagreed with the status quo around her at both. She is currently considering developing an old hockey stadium into a punk rock corporate arts sports tech development because, why wouldn’t you?

She’s also going to call me out if she thinks I’m wrong on a company. Or that I should stop doing that with my hair. I could probably use advice on the latter.

Lexi writes like I do, in that we don’t do middle of the road, we believe in calling a shitheel a shitheel, and we are in total agreement that Fight Club’s ‘project mayhem’ is a good framework for future investment opportunities. That is, when shit needs to be burned down, look to corner the market on lighter fluid.

So expect to see her around here for a while, starting next week, and if you’re a company that wants to hit a NEW investor audience, one that hasn’t been burned and churned by the same old promo guys for the last fifteen years, you should call, because that’s what we’re building.

And if you’re a writer interested in business but not interested in the way everyone else writes about business, contact me and show me what you’re capable of. I’m looking to build a roaster of straight up literary superheroes here, and you can bring your own cape.

And now that the introductions are out of the way, let’s get on to next week’s intro schedule. I’ll be talking to the guys from Veritas Pharma (VRT.C) first thing Monday morning, because they tell me their deal is about to launch into hyperdrive and they want to show me how.In a nutshell, if you know the InMed (IN.C) story, of how that company is taking elements of cannabis and running them through mega computers to see which of them could replace existing approved treatments without a significant need to run the FDA gauntlet, then the Veritas story won’t be far outside your wheelhouse.

They’re looking to research individual strains of medicinal cannabis to develop cannabinoid prescription medicines that can quickly move to clinical trials.

So what? Well, that’s pretty close to what the billion-dollar NASDAQ-listed GW Pharma (GWPH) is doing, only GW is taking the traditional long route. Veritas is going it like a startup and teaming up with some bad ass academic researchers who, just quietly, have already developed drugs and medicines that have been acquired for hundreds of millions of dollars.

VRT stock has been steadily jumping of late, from $0.25 to $0.50 since January (just as GW went from $213 to $440), so I’m going to stick my head up the kilt and see what’s swinging.

Our last chapter of Who I’m Talking To involved Equitas (EQT.V), who are seeing AMAZING volume since we mentioned them, and Secova (SEK.V) who are up 50% in six weeks. Talking to both firms this week for more info.

Disclosure: I don’t own any stock, and haven’t taken any money, from any of the companies mentioned above. YET.

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