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Targeted: Distinct Infrastructure (DUG.V)

Short post to note something that is increasingly worth knowing when investing in the smallcap space: A lot of people are talking about… [insert company name here].

In today’s edition of ‘stuff people are pushing at me in large numbers’, we have Distinct Infrastructure (DUG.V).

DUG is hot right now, in no small part because they occupy a similar space as Lite Access Technologies (LTE.C), which has been ripping stuff up for a few months.

But while LTE blows fibreoptic cable up pipes (thereby saving customers the cost of having to dig trenches to add or upgrade capacity), DUG does, well, just about everything else a large communications conglomerate could need a contractor to do.

I’ll get deeper into this company next week, after I’ve had a few more chats with their guys, but there’s some very patient, very large, and very deliberate money been churning into this operation for some time, and they’re in an acquisition state of mind.

I’m not saying by it today. I’m saying, like I will be, add it to the watchlist because something’s brewing.

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