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Heads up: Upcoming tech listing

I can’t say much about this because I know more than I should. Because I’m damn good at what I do.

Regardless, consider this:

Imagine an uber for the skies. You want to go to Victoria from Vancouver. There are no flights so you charter one. But there’s only two of you, and twelve seats. What do you do with the rest?

Why, you list them for sale as a cloud-based travel agent, and every time someone buys one, the seat gets cheaper for everyone else. Sell them all, and you get the cheapest – and most convenient – air travel around, flown door to door in your very own private plane rideshare.

I’ll share details when this thing is ready to go public, but I think it’ll be amazing. AMAZING. Coming soon..

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1 thought on “Heads up: Upcoming tech listing”

  1. Keep up the great work Chris. I check your Twitter tweets regularly. I rarely go to Stockhouse now it is not the same without you.

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