Waste baskets in Moms’ basements everywhere filled up this morning with blog post drafts from yesterday night. We were all looking at a screen full of red, wondering whether…
Equity Guru
As ice melts from the mountaintops in Northern BC, the market can count on a small army of geologists, drillers, engineers and promoters to warm up the helicopters and…
“I love it when a plan comes together!” Equity Guru Client CROP Infrastructure Corp. announced this morning that the first harvest has begun at their California 1 property in…
Sokoman Iron Corp. spent most of the year trading between $0.025 and $0.05 cents. One of hundreds of dozens of penny dreadful Vancouver mining companies that nobody had ever…
Canadian cultivator Abcann (ABCN.V) was halted this afternoon at 12:40, then announced that they will be undertaking a cash and stock acquisition of Hope, BC based cultivator and online…
It’s been a whirlwind few days over at Namaste Technologies (N.V). The company released their much anticipated Q1 financial statements Monday, along with an announcement about $900,000 in top…
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Tilray, but were afraid to ask: part of our ongoing Marijuana Datajam series about the numbers behind cannabis equities. Seattle based cannabis…
Most Canadian cannabis companies don’t actually cultivate cannabis so much as they cultivate the perception that they’re going to be able to grow copious amounts of cannabis in the…
Equity Guru presents a quick look at the way the various tiers of the business press are covering the pot landscape, including an atrocious out-of-context hit piece levelled at…
In part one of our ongoing look at Namaste Technologies, we watched former company insider Kory Zelickson have trouble answering a simple question about margin. In part 2 of…